
恐竜が登場する、この4月に発売予定のアメリカンコミック「Super Dinosaur」をご紹介します。
'Super Dinosaur' ready for a dino-mite debut Robert Kirkman likes to think that every kid is enamored with dinosaurs — even the overgrown kids that enjoy his more adult comic books. "Big giant monsters that looked awesome that actually existed? How do you not love dinosaurs? If anyone out there doesn't like dinosaurs, I would like them to contact me and explain that," says the writer and creator of The Walking Dead. Kirkman is teaming again with his partner from The Astounding Wolf-Man, artist Jason Howard, for Super Dinosaur, a new all-ages book debuting April 20 on Kirkman's Image Comics imprint, Skybound. The comic will be available in comic shops as well as digitally on the Image Comics app for iPad and iPhone.
地底にある恐竜の世界を武装したティラノサウルスとともに少年が守るというストーリー。恐竜に強さへのあこがれを託すのは洋の東西を問わないんですね。 下記にプレビューを紹介します。 Exclusive Super Dinosaur Preview